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Event Monitoring

The Doors.NET software was designed to support both monitored and autonomous configurations. A system is considered to be monitored when there is an operator viewing events in real time - or responding to events as they happen. For example, a sound alert can be configured to occur if a controller goes offline, if someone tries to access a door that they don't have access rights to, or if a door is detected as being forced, or held open.


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Configuring sound alerts for the most critical of events means an operator does not have to be watching the screen at all times. Event types can also be configured to generate recorded video clips - an example here might be to create a 20 second video clip when a door forced event happens at a certain reader.


The free version of the Doors.NET software also provides a feature that will automatically email a message notification (or the message can be sent automatically via SMS). See Email/SMS Automation for setup instructions and details.


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The system uses a combination of Filters and Device Types to configure how the system manages and displays the various event types.